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LYNFORD PORT - The James Street harbour and ships
A lot of the common questions we get at shows relates to the ships and the harbour area of the layout, with the recent extension of this area and number of ships needed, this could almost be a layout in itself (and in some ways it is, including the new feeder yard, there are now 3 independent control panels / operators for this part of the layout) Whilst this is Steve’s layout and he is ultimately responsible for the build, as Martyn spent his working life in the Merchant Navy and Port Industry he is our naval expert and has built all the ships on the layout, hopefully for anyone curious on both the build of these and the prototype, this section will provide some answers.
(A quick note on navigation around this section, this is broken down into each ship build, done in chronological order based on Steve’s requirements, each section can be linked to from the below, and at any time, please use the icon to get back to the introduction here, use the icon to move pages on.)
Now, over to Martyn...