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Steve Wright
My first model railways were those built with my Dad when Tri-ang was relatively new, including series 3 track with it's grey moulded bases. Dad went on to boat building and I got into Tri-ang TT (which I still think is the perfect scale to work in) until life took over and I put it all to one side.
In my early 20's I got back into model railways and looked around for newer TT stuff, but it wasn't there, hence my move into N Gauge. It might not have lasted long as running and reliability was not great at that time, but I persevered and gradually better stock became available. With N I could get more into a small space, but I was dreaming big and began work on a model of Finsbury Park. This stopped when I realised I was not going to be able to make a good job of it with all of the urban features, so picked on Guildford as a more country location. Work progressed well, and I handbuilt all of the points using copperclad sleepers and rail made from the new Peco code 55 track. To use this however I had to file of the bottom 25thou or so of every rail which took a lot of time.
While building Guildford I bought another layout to work on and run my stock, and this developed into "Lynford Junction" while Guildford fell to one side. "Lynford" was modified a few times, getting rid of the fiddle yard. I sold it in 1998 and had a spell modelling US railways with my friend Pete Laxton, but then began "James Street' as noted in the history.
My normal operating area at exhibitions is the dockyard at "James Street", where I sit outside the layout making it ideal for me to talk to the public as well as make up and breakdown trains sent to and from "Lynford Junction Low Level"